I want to apologize to everyone for this ridiculous-ly long time since the last post, it is my fault. No I did not forget, I just might have misplaced a very important part of my camera. Anyways I am moving on and you should to, just keep checking back as our blogging will continue.
This post is a series of pictures that were taken during two different trips to Merymoor Park ( i think thats how you spell it) in Redmond...or was it Renton? The climbing pinnacle is pretty awesome ( too bad I can't climb that well) however I did learn to belay which is what Erin is doing in the pic below. The pictures are photos of the climbing pinnacle, slack lining, and a bike course-thingy. The couple is Chris and Erin ( my brother and his girlfriend!). Well thats what I did on my spring break, what did you do?

I've been to Providence Medical Center a million times (sorta) but I've never actually taken the time to loiter around (probably because it might be illegal). However, I was there a few weekends ago and I had nothing to do so while I waited I wandered and I found some pretty cool things, or at least I was dorky enough to think they were cool. Sadly, I wasn't able to get a good shot of some of the other stuff because I'm a little vertically challenged and there were no ladders hanging around. Anyhoo, enjoy!



This is my crazy puppy Molly. She runs around the yard, eats stuff, smells stuff...and some other stuff. Oh and the white splotch on her chest looks like Australia ( yes like the continent/country).

[Edit!] To explain: I go to Seattle nearly every week and every time I hit a certain sign on the freeway I take some photos of the Space Needle, this is a small compilation of a few shots mostly taken around 5pm to show how crazy the weather can be. Kinda. :)


Date taken: January 30, 2009. 5:25 pm.

Date taken: February 3, 2009. 5:09 pm.

Date taken: February 6, 2009. 4:57 pm.

Date taken: February 10, 2009. 4:50 pm.

Date taken: February 16, 2009. 11:43 am. (whoops)

Date taken: February 27, 2009. 5:34 pm.

These are 3-day old lambs that finally stopped playing so I could take a picture of them. If you didn't know, I spend my mid-winter breaks at a farm!

For some reason these fruit flies are huge. Or maybe its just me. Anyways, we're mating them or something in biology. Fun I know. Pictures aren't that exciting but meh. (Click=big.)

